1. June 6th ~ Monthly meeting ~ Toni Anne Daschiell, Republican National Committeewoman for Texas, 5:30pm. at Wimberley VFW, 401 Jacobs Well Rd. Doors open 5pm.

2. June 9th ~ Dinner/Drinks Social 6pm, Milagro’s porch. $12 fajita buffet. Please RSVP madonnakimball@gmail.com
by Monday, June 7th if you’re coming, so we have enough chairs and food.

3. June 13th ~ Spend an afternoon with Allen West 3-5pm (Doors open at 2pm) at First Baptist Church Wimberley, 15951 Winters Mill Parkway. Get your tickets for
the fund raiser at wimberleyarearepublicans.com. Come join us and bring your conservative friends.

Happy 4th of July4. July 4th ~ County-wide Independence Day Family Picnic 4-6pm at the Hays County Republican CANCELED

5. July 5th ~ Wimberley Area Republicans will have a float in the Independence Day Parade. Please let us know if you would like to help decorate, ride on or walk with the float. We need volunteers!

6. It’s time to renew Voter Registrar’s certifications. Let us know if you would like to register for a training class with Jennifer Anderson and become certified to
register voters. We need plenty.

7. Nancye has speakers secured through September. What topics you are interested in hearing about and who would you like for her to contact for booking?

8. We discussed bringing back our pot lucks. Let us know if you would like to have pot lucks again or if you would rather we stick with snacks and water.

9. We’re looking for a volunteer who would like to be our Correspondence Chair to send out get well, condolence and thank you cards, etc.

10. Bring canned goods and/or packaged foods to donate to our Crisis Bread Basket. wimberleyarearepublicans.com for complete list of their needs.

11. Bring your business cards if you would like to participate in our Conservative Business networking.

12. If you have not renewed your 2021 membership, our membership committee will be at the door Sunday and happy to help you renew.

13. Bring your conservative friends and encourage them to join Wimberley Area Republicans.

14. Rob Campbell is running for re-election for WISD School Board. Our memebers Andrea Justus and Nathan Cross are running for the two open seats.
Nathan is looking for a campaign treasurer. If you’re interested, please contact him.