About Us


The Wimberley Area Republicans were formed in August 2019 to provide support for conservative Republican candidates and elected officials and to promote policy and legislation in support of the Texas Republican Party Platform. Our primary focus is in Wimberley, Texas, and Hays County, but we also engage in all statewide races and we support national candidates representing the State of Texas. 

Our Mission & Goals

Our mission is to provide information on the Republican candidates, platform, and agenda, and contrast it with the Democratic candidates, platform, and agenda. We conduct outreach, host events, and provide forums on topics related to important issues and upcoming elections.  Our goal is to inform the local and surrounding communities about upcoming elections and ballot initiatives at local, state and federal levels that will affect the Wimberley and Hays County communities.  We are committed to reaching out and engaging conservative voters.

Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

Jeff Payton, President
Ann McDorman, Past President
Vice President 
Alan Reams, Sgt. At Arms
Treasurer, Susan Moody
Willa Reves, Secretary
Lynda Wood, Membership Chair

Webmaster:  Jefferis Peterson
Fundraising Chairman: Willa Reves (512) 648-1718 or angelgail45@yahoo.com
Publicity & Hospitality:  Cindy Payton
Program Chair: Pat Combs

