Election Integrity, This Sunday

Wimberley Area Republicans Meeting this Sunday doors open
4:30 potluck. Bring your favorite dish.
We will have two speakers this month on Election Integrity.
You don’t want to miss it.

Last day tomorrow. Saturday for candidate sign distribution.

First Baptist Church drive thru circle drive.

VDR’s will be available to sign up new voters or change of address for recent new patriots moving into the area.

I apologize for the different format, i hope everyone gets it.

I will put out more information soon.

Don’t forget we are supporting Dripping Springs Republicans on the 17th for their first county wide meeting and potluck. We are running out of time. Please volunteer any time you have for all the upcoming events. The State , County and Country are depending on you. Please tell all your friends, family, and neighbors to vote all the way down the ballot For Republicans.

Next Month Senator Campbell will be our guest speaker.

I just want to Thank All of you for everything you are doing.

Jeff Payton- President